Pollution Dangers Beijing

Posted: by http://deus-ex-machina.atspace.com/ in

By Hilmar Schmundt - Is Beijing dangerous to athletes' health? With the prospect of athletes running marathons and cycling in Beijing's smog and pollution-laden air, environmentalists and experts in sports medicine are concerned about the health risks associated with the Olympic Games in China.
The Beijing smog feeds on itself. Whenever the city periodically disappears into a brownish-yellow haze, the traffic only gets worse. Those who are fortunate enough to own a car leave their bicycles at home, choosing air-conditioning over the unfiltered cocktail of coal smoke, particulate matter and ozone in the air.

Artículo Completo: http://www.freetibet.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48:pollution-beijing&catid=3:newsflash&Itemid=49